“Play is the only way the highest intelligence of humankind can unfold.” -Joseph Chilton Pearce “Play gives children a chance to practice what they are learning.” -Mr. It is a basis of what many pediatric pediatric therapists do – teach skills through play!
They can be self-driven and will practice higher levels of self-regulation to accomplish a task during play time. To me, play provides children with a strong framework of internal motivation to practice what they are learning. Of course, I have to start off with my favorite from Fred Rogers! It is so simple but so powerful. Here are 25 play quotes from a range of viewpoints. This is where fine motor, gross motor, visual perceptual, cognitive, social, emotional, and self-regulation skills can all be developed and nurtured. We must provide children with the opportunity of open-ended play with family and friends. It doesn’t require elaborate preparation, materials or toys. Here are 25 play quotes to remind us why PLAY is so IMPORTANT in the life of a child. Over the past thousands of years, famous people have been so wise about the power of play. As professionals and parents, many of us are strong advocates for educating others of the importance of play in children’s lives.